Effective Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Therapy
Millions of people suffer from agonizing chronic pain. Medication and surgery can relieve pain, but they often have negative effects.
Recently popular, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a promising alternative treatment for chronic pain. This article discusses MBSR’s benefits and chronic pain treatment efficacy.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)?
The late 1970s meditation program MBSR was created by University of Massachusetts Medical School professor Jon Kabat-Zinn. The program manages stress, anxiety, and chronic pain with mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and yoga.
Eight-week MBSR programs include weekly two-and-a-half-hour sessions and one full-day session. Participants learn body scans, sitting meditation, and moderate yoga. MBSR helps people develop a non-judgmental awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations to improve emotional regulation and reduce stress and suffering.
MBSR—what is it and how does it work?
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) uses yoga, body awareness, and mindfulness meditation to reduce stress, anxiety, and chronic pain. MBSR, founded by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979, is now a popular supplementary therapy.
MBSR helps people become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations by educating them to focus on the present without judgment. By observing these events without reacting, people can gain self-awareness and minimize stress.
The eight-week program includes weekly group meetings, guided meditation, and daily home practice. Participants learn mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and yoga to relieve stress and chronic pain.
Does MBSR assist chronic pain? How?
Chronic pain treatment with MBSR is beneficial. Stress and worry can worsen chronic pain symptoms. MBSR teaches mindfulness meditation and other methods to manage stress and anxiety, reducing its negative effects on the body and mind.
MBSR has several benefits for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders. Key MBSR benefits include:
Less stress and anxiety
Increased emotional health
Enhanced self-awareness and self-compassion Improved sleep quality
Better cognition and memory
Improved immunity
Less pain and better coping
MBSR, like any therapy, may not work for everyone. Before starting a new treatment, see a doctor. Most people can safely use MBSR, excluding those with serious mental health issues.
Do I need specific equipment or experience for MBSR?
Nobody needs special equipment to perform MBSR. MBSR can be done using a cushion, mat, or chair. You don’t need meditation or mindfulness experience to do MBSR. The program suits beginners and experts.
MBSR can be combined with medicine or therapy. In fact, MBSR is routinely used to supplement other therapies. MBSR can improve other treatments and help patients manage their emotions and mental health.
Teacher and program location affect MBSR costs. An eight-week MBSR treatment costs hundreds to thousands of dollars. MBSR may be covered by your health insurance, but check with your provider.
Daily 30-minute MBSR practice is suggested for results. However, a few minutes of daily practice is good. Many people see results in the first weeks of the program with diligent practice.